Monday, July 16, 2012

Reviving Teh Blog, part The Eighth (?)

Greetings and salutations!

I'm trying to resuscitate this blog. Again. Yeah, I know. That hasn't worked too well in the past. I've been trying to juggle too many different blogs at the same time, and keeping that many balls up in the air just isn't working out. So here's what I'm doing: All of my other blogs are now pointing to this one blog, and this is where I'm going to be posting everything from this point on. I can't guarantee that this lifecycle will last any more than the previous life cycles of this blog, but I'll do my best to post regularly.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The wheels, they keep on turning

Hey there hi there ho there, happy internet denizens!

Today marks the day after a very… significant day. Yes, yesterday was Valentine's day, but that's not really my cup of tuna. For those of you who know me well (if that's not you, get off of my lawn!) you'll either know or ask why the day of pinkness is relevant in my life. In honor of that historic and salty day, I present for your perusement a list of in-jokes from High School. I will be quite happy if anyone recognizes any of them, since for the uninitiated, it will probably read like a load of jibjab.

  • Ham
  • Placenta
  • Lam
  • Mishmosh
  • String
  • Red Pepper
  • Weebles wobble but they don't fall down
  • …Nothing!
  • mmmMaaa, says the cow.
  • Bit much, sorry
  • [Austin Fry]
  • IT
  • Potito + Kumar
  • PMS
  • Iggy's banana (this is technically from middle school)
  • Tralala
  • Shoop
  • Fwom

Thank you for playing, and enjoy your Tuesday.

- Aladdin

Philly homeowner forecloses on Wells Fargo - Boing Boing

Justice at last!

Philly homeowner forecloses on Wells Fargo - Boing Boing: ""

(Via Boing Boing.)

Monday, February 14, 2011


Awesometastic. I love it when geeky people hide non-geeky easter eggs in software.

12 Love-Themed Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs for Valentine's Day [PICS]: ""

(Via Mashable.)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No Stopping for Avalanche!

Last night my brain exploded, and dripped onto the page. This is what was written:


Everywhere I look I see eyes. Dark, brooding eyes that pierce deep into the soul, hungry eyes, eyes without purpose or focus or even color. Yet it is the eyes that keep me sane. With out eyes, there is no face, and without a face, there is no identity. The sea may heave and ho, but without eyes, it might as well be steam or glass or slices of the ether. Everywhere, and forever. You see, eyes are forever. Their bodies may decompose, they may roll away, even off the edge of the earth, but they will always find their way

Vlcsnap 2011 02 13 17h46m44s154

back, like a dog or a small child bouncing down the stairs. As these eyes probe and poke, I whimper, cough, and loose. I see a face without eyes standing before me. A whole face, there is nothing missing, but there are no eyes. And at this moment I am scared. Scared that the face before me could actually be real, scared that the eyes that are not are looking not at me or even in me, but through me, through to the future and the past and the dirty dust bunnies that I swore would never see the light of day. The eyes that are not are pulling my secrets out of me, out in front of me, forcing me to look at them. The pain of the secrets, of regurgitating them, of having them forced out of me, is almost too much to bear. If I were alone, I could shove those secrets under the mat, off the edge, out the window, but no, I am not alone. Not even just me and the face with eyes that are not. The whole world is in bed with me, in my car with me, even behind my ears when I go to sleep. The whole world lies embedded in the words on the page and the pixels on the screen that I surround myself with to escape, but there is no escape. Now that the face with eyes that aren’t has pulled out my secrets, they are there forever. No flattening them, no shredding them, burning them, painting over them, erasing them, no waiting for them to just disappear, as if they were a date on the calendar that came and went, never to be seen from again. I stare at the secrets, and they stare back, with shiny green eyes, eyes much like my own, but with something else, something soft and feminine, powerful and bold, something that is familiar and both comforting and frightening. As my secret’s eyes stare, unblinking, at me, I feel the urge to look away, to close and scream and never open again, but I can not. I can not look away, for the face without eyes has forced me to deal with the secrets with green eyes and scars along their backs, metal instruments and gelatinous pellets and strange pieces of paper that contain nothing but black lines floating like jellyfish around the room. I pull and push, but the window will not open, and I don’t know what to do. Even if the window did open, what then? Where would I jump to? Would I grow a beard, shave it off, marry a grey person with no birthday and drown in my own daze, my own fat and lipids? I start, stop, begin again. The secrets are still there, but now they are untouchable, separated from me by an invisible sheet of orange, orange, orange film. Spinning, I glance around me, not surprised when I find myself missing a limb. What was that? A leg? A tail? Did it ever even belong to me? As I round back to the beginning, I hear a cracking, clinking sound, like the whisper of the wind when the world is asleep. The mirror which couldn’t, shouldn’t, mustn’t be there is now only inches from my face, and with an electric jolt I come to the terrifying conclusion that the face with eyes that are not must be my own face, that I pulled my own secrets with green eyes out from under my feet, and now I am alone, alone at last, alone forevermore, alone, alone, alone.

Really? Again?

Hey there, internet plebs!

So, here's the deal-i-o. Yes, I know I said that I would be blogging regularly, yes, I know I lied, and yes, I know, I don't look anything like Martha Washington (one can dream, though).

Obviously, I can't guarantee that this blogging spree will stick, but I recently came across a lovely little piece of software called MarsEdit, which will hopefully jab me with skewers regularly enough to provoke blog posts. And with that, I leave you to dream. There may or may not (although hopefully may) be another post today, we shall see (I'll give you a hint: yes, there will be).

Until the day when something actually interesting shows up here, enjoy the overbearing orangeness of this page!

- Aladdin

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hello… Hello Again!

Greetings, comrade!
I am proud to announce that, after over a year of inactivity, The Words of Magic is now ACTIVE!

Thrusters on full…

Prelude: After letting this blog fall by the wayside, I finally stopped beating around the bush and nabbed the birds. In reality, I got an official, real, legit, shiny website with its own URL. Check it out, its called Aladdin's World, and there you can find all of my movies and short films. Check it out. No, really. NOW!

Ok, welcome back. I hope you enjoyed my other website. You see, I give that URL to a lot of people. Friends, family, random hobos I meet on the street in exchange for a mostly empty jar of Nutella. Mmm, delicious Nutella. While almost everyone who visits Aladdin's World likes it, I have to be careful about what I post on there. Good golly, I wouldn't want my grandma reading THIS blog!

That, my friends, is why I've reactivated this blog, dusted the old comment off of the posts, and begun posting regularly. Hope to see you all in the future!

And, as always, dream on…