Friday, December 12, 2008

Thoughts on a Paper, Episode V

Hey, Everybody!

Sorry I've been so far behind on my posts, but the week before finals has been brutal. I'm totally finished with my inquiry contract paper, all I have left is to fix something in the bibliography. I think it turned out pretty well, especially given the amount of time I had to spend on it. It's a full seven pages long, and one of the densest things I've ever written. You know those really boring research papers that no one really wants to read? It's one of those. Wahoo.

Something interesting that was pointed out to me but I didn't have the sources to put it into the paper:

1980. The majority of televisions in the US have about four channels.
2008. The majority have on the scale of seventy. If you have cable or satellite you might have a few hundred.

Kinda scary, huh? Originally, when the World Wide Web first spawned off of the ARPAnet, there were a couple hundred websites. People could buy pamphlets of IP addresses (the behind-the-scenes numbers that URLs translate into. EG, = URLs, or the text you put into the address bar of Safari or Firefox (please, not Internet Explorer), were only made popular when the number of websites got so big that it was impossible to memorize IP addresses the way you memorize phone numbers.

Today there are significantly more websites on the World Wide Web than there are human beings on earth. Makes this blog seem kind of insignificant, huh?

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