Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The wheels, they keep on turning

Hey there hi there ho there, happy internet denizens!

Today marks the day after a very… significant day. Yes, yesterday was Valentine's day, but that's not really my cup of tuna. For those of you who know me well (if that's not you, get off of my lawn!) you'll either know or ask why the day of pinkness is relevant in my life. In honor of that historic and salty day, I present for your perusement a list of in-jokes from High School. I will be quite happy if anyone recognizes any of them, since for the uninitiated, it will probably read like a load of jibjab.

  • Ham
  • Placenta
  • Lam
  • Mishmosh
  • String
  • Red Pepper
  • Weebles wobble but they don't fall down
  • …Nothing!
  • mmmMaaa, says the cow.
  • Bit much, sorry
  • [Austin Fry]
  • IT
  • Potito + Kumar
  • PMS
  • Iggy's banana (this is technically from middle school)
  • Tralala
  • Shoop
  • Fwom

Thank you for playing, and enjoy your Tuesday.

- Aladdin

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