Monday, March 16, 2009

Arff Arff Aroof!

Hello, internet! If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 kilobytes per second, were going to see some serious shizzlewizzlebamboozlefuddlemuddle.

At the end of “Black Boy”, Wright gets hated upon by some major fail communists. It all culminates in him getting physically kneaded by two white communists he meets at a union march who accuse him of being a Trotskyite. Interestingly, I looked up Trotsky, and his theory of Marxism isn’t actually that different from that of Stalin.

After some deep internal muddling and a brisk walk around the block, Wright realizes that the men that hurt him in the march, and furthermore, the men that have excommunicated him from the Communist organization, are blind. He believes that they have been blinded by America, and the way America has treated them.

Do I agree or disagree?

I’m not really sure. I think the men were blinded, yes, but not by amerika. At least, not directly by amerika. You see, these men were living during a time of great uncertainty. Especially during the depression, people were beginning to wonder whether or not capitalism was the right course. Black men who had migrated from the south, like Wright, desperately needed something to believe in, something to be a part of. They were so starved for affection and acknowledgement of their humanity that an organization like Communism, one which feared solidarity, seemed like a godsend for them. They had become blinded by their devotion to the communistic cause. I’ll bet that if the National Communist organization had told them to never again eat pickles and shun all women with an odd number of freckles on their face, they would have complied without blinking. So, yes, they were blind, but they weren’t blinded directly by amerika, as Wright had said.

And that’s the Gertrude Song!

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