Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Freedom of Speech?

Is it true? I get to write about anything having to do with AP Language? Awesome.

What have I learned from class? I dunno. Its often very hard to quantify a learning experience. That's probably why I struggle so much with the stupid "What do you want to learn in this class?" or "What did you learn this year in lit class?" writing prompts. I'm not sure what I've learned so far. I guess I'll just pick a topic and run with it.

We've talked a lot in this class about how many people are loosing the ability to make their own way in life, and are living under the dictatorship of society. F. Scott Fitzgerald had no say in his own life, not until his "crack up". Gatsby molded his entire world after Dan Cody. We are loosing the power to think.

Let's do a little experiment. Let's see if I've lost the ability to think. We'll follow me around for a day, and keep track of what I do.

6:25 Mom wakes me up
6:30 Dad tells me to take shower, but "don't use up all the hot water"
6:55 Get dressed: what ever is clean
7:00 Breakfast "Awww, cold cereal again?"
7:25 Leave for school

7:45 - 3:10 School

3:30 - 5:30 Homework
5:30 - 6:00 Check eMail, clean room, review new software
6:00+ Dinner
8:00 Forgot US History homework, better do it now
9:10 Watch TV
10:00 Bedtime

I lead a pretty boring life. I bet you could take a survey of teenagers, and something around 75% of them would have a schedule very close to mine, if not identical. Almost everything I do is dictated by some higher power. I have almost no say in my life.

But that didn't really answer my original question. Have I lost the ability to think? I don't know.

I have the same political persuasions as my parents and more than half of my friends, but I also have very strong ideas about what's wrong with the US, and those are my ideas, no one else's. I dress in what most people would call "boring" clothes, but I happen to really enjoy solid color tees and beige cargos. I think the Jonas Brothers are great, but not because I have a crush on Nick (I don't) but because I actually like their music. I would say that I think. I take charge in my life.

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