Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Waka Waka Doo Doo... Yeah.

Hello, internet! Tahuwaiila-a tahuwaiiwaiila! Ehu hene la-a pili-ko a-loo a-lao! Pu tutui a-itito-ela! Hanu lipo ita pa-alai! Aaah-wae, taah, ho-alau!

In the beginning of “What Is Marriage?”, Wolfson spends a significant amount of page space to developing his definition of marriage. Why? I’ll tell you why.

Wolfson’s argument is that same-sex couples have just as much right to get married as straight couples do. He shows all of the benefits of marriage, and how they are denied to all gay couples, and thus, the hardships they have to go through to work around their lack of basic relationship rights.

In the beginning, though, we don’t know that this is his argument. All we know is that he is explaining what marriage is. I like his definition of marriage, although it does leave room for a few quirky situations that I haven’t yet fully developed my opinion on (such as under-age marriage, inter-generational marriage, bigamy, etc). Not that there’s anything wrong with his definition. It’s just a little loose.

Anyways, we build up to a point where we feel that we know what marriage is. Boom. Gays don’t have access to this. Why? Wolfson doesn’t go into that. The obvious question hanging in the air is WHY? WHY don’t gays get this right? In the end, because there is no logic supporting it, it seems like restricting gays from marriage is a pretty bad decision.


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