Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hello, internet! Today you shall witness the inevitable downfall of the corrupt and ineffectual representative democracy of the United States of Amerika. On this day, 6 May 2009, a new government shall emerge. One just, fair, equal, and ready to serve and protect. This government will officially mark the first notes of a new movement: the Socialist States of America, The SSA!


We the people of the socialist nation of America, in order to provide a more effective government, to provide and protect the natural and social rights of its citizens, establish a new and improved form of government. After witnessing and often participating in the results of a government run by a select few empowered unnaturally through the course of American history, we the people now enact a people's government, to be run by the people, for the people. With this new tentative and experimental form of government comes great responsibility, thus it is the right of the people to make changes where changes are warranted, to foster progress when will benefit the people, and to restrict outdated practices when times call for such.

Article I:

The people's government shall be divided into three branches, all with equal power to govern and equal power to moderate the other branches. There shall be a people's branch, known as the Plebicy, made up of the citizens of the nation. They shall be divided into concentric jurisdictions, so as to better handle the growing population and the proclivity of citizens to be unsuited to make decisions on matters geographically foreign or unaffecting of them. The second branch shall be composed of the executive, a series of offices and ministries or cabinets to take care of the more specific duties of government such as money and transportation. The last branch of the government shall be composed of the learned scholars of the country, so that they may be the voice of reason and consultance when matters go beyond the knowledge of the layman. So shall be the basic framework of the government.

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