Monday, May 11, 2009

Ppt, Part 1

Hello, internet!

I just finished building a powerpoint, and I have a couple things to say about powerpoint making. First of all, no one puts enough effort into one.

No one. Steve Jobs, maybe. I just spent the last three hours on this one and I’m not satisfied. Three hours on the slideshow alone.

Why did I spend so much time on it? Because I custom photoshopped a whole bunch of stuff to fit in with the “motif” of the presentation. Because I double-checked every single fact. Because I took the time to look up the Kubelka-Munk formula. You’ll find out what that is in my powerpoint.

I’ve also spent the last hour and a half practicing, and I still have a run-through or two left to do. No one prepares enough for their presentation. My god, I hate it when people read verbatim off of the slides. The dude and dudette from Lilly both did that, and it drove me crazy. I can read, you know.

Why did I custom photochop everything? Because I want my presentations to have what hollywood calls “production value”. When your images are pixely, grainy, blown-out, matted, pre-multiplied, or watermarked, your audience instantly has a preconceived notion of the quality of the presentation. So I make sure all of my images look great.

And not just my images. I’ve found that talking heads and chalky slides tend to bore people, no matter how great they look. So I’ve always

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