Monday, May 4, 2009

Hello, internet! Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while, but my life has been incredibly busy.

The March of the Flag is all about how America needs to expand. It needs to conquer the foreign lands, spread out, and create a great empire with which to trade. This, interestingly enough, is the exact reason why England established the American colonies in the first place.

This whole notion is very much in contradiction to Joe’s idea of life in Johnny Got His Gun. Joe believes that the only time in which people should ever go to war is if they are defending something tangible, something that personally affects them, like a person, property, etc. He states that when people begin fighting for a word, like freedom or democracy, then the war is over a bulk generalization. Its stupid, because no one is fighting for a specific reason.

Joe would probably disagree with the author of The March of the Flag because of this. Joe would ask why he couldn’t just live in his house and not worry about the Philippines or Mexico or Puerto Rico. The author of The March of the Flag would respond that Joe is an American, and he needs to act for the good of America.

Who is right? Who is wrong? I dunno.

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