Wednesday, February 18, 2009

50th Post!

hello, world. Blah. I just read a really depressing article.

It was about how schools in amerika are designed to turn us into mindless zombie-children who do nothing but degrade and consume. And I have some issues with consuming.

When I first picked up the article, I thought “there’s no way someone could present a good case to stop learning!”

Now I’m totally won, and I have half a mind to drop out of high school.

One of the things that bothers me so much about being a student is all I do is what others tell me to do. For example, let’s look at the AP test. I take the AP test because a bunch of people who I’ve never met tell me to answer a bunch of boring questions that are designed so that they can figure out how my brain works, and, oh yeah, the grading system is totally arbitrary. Why do I take the AP test? So that after I “graduate” from high school, sorry, College Preparatory School, I can spend another four to life at yet another fine educational establishment that I have to pay through the nose to attend.

University High School states that “classes here aren’t about passing a test or getting the grade, they’re about true learning. Then why is the purpose of this very AP lit class, as stated in the class syllabus, for us to get a good grade on the AP exam. Oh, wait sorry, we also study rhetoric, but only because the state of indiana requires us to.

What am I doing in school right now? I want to be a film maker. I try to make films in my free time, but school is my current “occupation”. Nothing, NOTHING I learn at You-Achh-Ess will help me make better films. Yes, I’ll be well versed in ancient roman history, yes I’ll be able to deal with differential equations, and yes, I’ll be able to pass the stupid AP exam, but I won’t be able to make movies any better than I can right now. What am I wasting my time for?

In short, I now completely and totally believe that school is 100% useless to most people. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some things that school does help with (I love computers, therefore I take Apple Help Desk), but those are all things that I could take as a separate class, like how some people sit in on college-level classes.

I write these blogs in Apple Pages, and this is the first time one has ever wrapped around to the second page. I guess I’ll go do my math homework... Or not.

End of line.

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