Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Inner Space

Hello, internet! And now, we present to you yet another exciting journey beyond the comprehension of mere mortals... Into my unrestrained consciousness...

Hmm, seems awfully empty in here.

Today I am going to talk about Wright’s response to his mother’s illness, so get your pillows ready. Here we go!

Wright relies on his mother almost entirely. She gets the money, she makes him food (sometimes), and she provides an (inconsistent) roof over his head. She is the source of good in his life, and every time he goes away, whether to school, the store, or to the orphanage, he misses her. So his reaction when she suddenly stops... Being, is not too surprising to me.

What happens is Wright’s world stops. He can’t eat. He has difficulty sleeping. When he is brought to his granny’s house, he can’t really function. All he does is play in the backyard half-heartedly.

When he is sent to his uncle’s house, his brain and body basically shut down. He can’t eat well. His mind starts playing tricks on him. He can’t sleep. He begins picking fights at school. Everything kind of shatters.

Yeah. That’s basically what happens.

Wow. I don’t have anything more to say about this. This is a world first. A blog that came in under 250. Well, good night ladies and gentlemen. I think I’ll go eat a cow now.

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