Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still over 250 words

Hello, internet!

So, my assignment is to blog about the picture presentations we just saw. Woo. So. What did I just see?

What I saw was interesting. There’s a lot of visual rhetoric out there, but very little of it was shown today. In other words, I was kind of disappointed. Now, don’t get me wrong, there were some really good images, but think about it.

America is the land. The land of nudity (not really, but as much skin as we can legally show without giving you the full turkey). The land of child manipulation (most ads are designed to make kids throw tantrums to get what they want). The land of commercial exploitation of credibility (I trust Tiger Woods because he’s smart, so he must really like that brand of cars. They must be really good).

I know for a fact that there’s a heck of a lot of visual rhetoric out there to be photographed. I admit that I didn’t do such a good job myself. I focused almost entirely on architecture. I could have gone to Starbucks, they always have some sort of sumatra super double venti macciato thingy they’re promoting. I could have gone to the mall, and taken pictures of the ads there (you know, the ones for the jeans where they show a hot 20yo with no shirt and a ripped bod and only the top few seams of the jeans they’re trying to get me to buy). In all fairness, I didn’t want to waste gas and I had to be home by dinner. Most people probably did. But I think this would have been a lot better if we all had more time to work on it, and made it into a much bigger project. Good bye!

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