Monday, February 9, 2009


Hello, internet!

Does the media shape reality? Well, of course it does!

I’m not really sure how to answer this question. It seems kind of obvious. I turn on the TV, and I am given the rare opportunity to see what it is like to be wealthy. I am served up depictions of what being poor is like. I am exposed to reasons to want to be wealthy, like them.

Do you know who Billy Mays is? He’s the OxyClean dude. He shouts at me to buy buy buy buy buy. So does Tiger Woods. So does Miley Cyrus. Sorry, Hanna Montana. Wait...

My point is that consumerism is an advertisey thing. Let’s see... What about racism? I don’t want to be friends with any black people because they’re always the ones getting on the 11:00 news. Oh, and I need to look pretty, because you see all those happy people, you know, the ones who have perfect lives and donate to dolphin-whatevers? They are all really well dressed. The Jonas Brothers have no acne. Brad Pitt has that busty blonde babe. I should be like that, too. Then I’ll be happy.

What else? I guess the classic example of the media changing reality is Disney. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Disney. But they are an evil empire. How have they changed reality? Oh, I dunno. Everyone believes that if they wish hard enough, and try, their happily-ever-after will come true. Oh, and high school is full of preppy hot jocks who are perfect singers, dancers, and have a 4.0 GPA. It isn’t actually like that? Then my life sucks. Good bye!

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