Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A really short post

OK, so right now I’m on Hulu.com watching all of the Superbowl ads since I slept through the actual game. I’ve only watch about ten so far (I want to watch ALL OF THEM!), but there’s definitely a pattern emerging:
We don’t need to tell you how great our product is, because you already know. If you don’t already know, or if you dare question it’s awesomeness, your an IDIOT!
That’s what almost all of them are basically saying. Let’s watch some more…
OK, fifteen later, there’s been a lot of boobies. Female boobies. I’ve only seen one pair of male boobies. Lots of underwear, too. I’m also noticing that there’s more tv show and movie commercials than in past years. I’m not sure what that means, but Transformers II looks good.
I’m done now. So, maybe I didn’t get to watch all of them. But most of them are the same. They assume that you already know OF their product, so they can tell you how great their product is. If you don’t already know about whatever their commercial is about, then you’re an idiot.
I feel like an idiot.

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